Baptisms: ICCM held its 14th Foundation Day celebrations on 21st August. 200 guests attended and Sam Lubag was the guest speaker. Guests and the ICCM family enjoyed a number of activities including some cultural presentations, cooking, basketball, a free eye checkup, and a worship service. Four souls (three of whom were new ICCM students) accepted Christ and were baptized by Prof Bill Fierbaugh.
Boxes: In June, we sent four balikbayan boxes (huge boxes that can fit about 50 reams of paper in them each) to ICCM. We filled them with books for the library (including some from Dr. Bruce Shields), cards and bookmarks donated by ARM, Lookouts, and Christian Standards (given out at conventions), various household items such as sheets and curtains silverware and knives, and a small gift for each of the faculty and staff. Also, two communion sets and two boxes of communion cups were donated by the Centenary Church in Erwin. Going by ship, these finally arrived and were gratefully received a few days ago by ICCM. Thank you to Gary Knapp’s church in Bristol for their donation for the shipping.
Visiting Prof: Bill Fierbaugh, our former forwarding agent, now working for PBT (Pioneer Bible Translators) was teaching Bible Translation and Group Dynamics at ICCM these past few weeks with 40 and 38 students respectively. His efforts were very much appreciated. He also visited quite a number of folks in our churches as he has been vision casting for PBT in connection with his new role of Coordinator of Philippine Project Development. They are endeavoring to recruit, train, and send out Filipino missionaries to serve as Bible translators, literacy specialists, church planters, and scripture engagement specialists.  ICCM continues to need of visiting profs. If you are interested, please correspond with us.
Linkedin: If you are on Linkedin, can you please add Cheryl and I. Our links are:


Funding for ICCM: Kingdom Ambassadors remains committed to paying $2350 per month for the salaries of ICCM faculty and staff. Please help us keep their funding going so the ministry of the college in training Christian leaders can continue.