Upcoming Kenya Drought & Farms Update
Thanks to your generosity in response to our winter appeal, IDES has been blessed with the chance to provide funding for 13 (and counting!) new, sustainably irrigated farms in the arid region of Turkana, Kenya. Kenya has been suffering from a major drought for over 3 years, which has caused food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition.
Within the next few days, we will be publishing a brief update on the purpose and progress of the irrigated farms, which will include a video testimony from partnering with CMF International who are serving in the region.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (links at the bottom of this email) to be the first to see the update on what your love has accomplished in the name of Jesus for families in Turkana, Kenya!

Upcoming Special Report on Puerto Rico
In mid-September 2017, Hurricane Maria swept through Puerto Rico as a Category 4 storm, damaging thousands of homes and displacing numerous families. The most recent estimates from news sources report that over 40% of the island is still without power, nearly 4 months later.
Thanks to your generosity, IDES has been partnering with a local church and a local Christian school to meet the needs of families who were affected by the storm in Jesus’ name.
Although most news agencies have stopped reporting on Puerto Rico’s story, the recovery work is still ongoing, and will continue for months to come. There are still families in need of home repairs, appliances, and even basic furnishings such as mattresses.
Two of IDES’ staff members recently returned from a visit with partners in Puerto Rico. There is much work to be done, and we do not want these families’ stories to be forgotten.
Taking this into consideration, please be on the lookout on our website and social profiles in the next few weeks for a new “Special Report,” which will include several video testimonies of families that you are serving, and local ministers that you are partnering with.

Hate is Not an Option if You Follow Jesus
– Devotional –

One of the most scandalizing passages in the whole Bible is Matthew 5:43-48.
Nestled within the ever-practical Sermon on the Mount, Jesus delivers these words like a gut-punch to our naturally self-defensive souls.
Click the button below to read this challenging devotional blog.

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