ICYMI: #PuertoRicoSeLevanta – Special Report
Everyday last week, we shared stories from families and ministry partners in Puerto Rico who are recovering from Hurricane Maria thanks to your generosity.
#PuertoRicoSeLevanta, or “Puerto Rico Will Rise,” is the anthem of these families as the island restores itself.
If you want to catch up on these 7 stories, or view the comprehensive photo gallery of recovery efforts, check out the following Special Report:
Do You Have a Plan?
An estate plan is a way to make your final wishes known. It allows you to express how you want your earthly assets (cash, investments, property) to be distributed when you enter the heavenly home Christ is preparing for His faithful.
An estate plan also provides a way to ensure the people and causes you hold dear will continue to be cared for. As a supporter of IDES, you clearly have a heart for helping those in need. A gift to IDES through your will or trust is an effective way to continue offering help and hope in the name of Jesus.
To learn some simple ways to provide a gift to IDES in your estate planning, contact our Director of Development, Gary Finley.  You can reach him by phone at 317-773-4111, or by email at gfinley@ides.org.  There are some steps you can take today that require only a few minutes.
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