Have you booked your hotel room for ICOM yet?!

Be sure to look at the Hyatt, Crowne Plaza, & Red Roof Inn.

We need for folks to book their rooms in the Hyatt, the Crown Plaza and the Red Roof Inn!  Our records show that we have just over a month to reach our housing block minimums, and these three are low, but not out of reach.  So, please consider this when you make your reservations. The Hyatt is the closest hotel to the conference facility. It’s attached, has the food court, as well as many of our workshop and meeting rooms!
REMEMBER—we book these contracts years in advance.  You may save yourself some funds by going elsewhere, and I understand that.  At the same time, if we don’t fill our housing block, it costs us a whole lot more than $30 bucks a night that you may save.  

ICOM Office Expansion Project
                We are finally working on phase 2 of our office expansion, 3 years after phase 1 was completed.  We have been saving for this since then and still raising funds.  We have had some very generous gifts from the Solomon Foundation and Christ’s Church of the Valley in San Dimas, CA.  Thank you all!
Also, many thanks to Tetra, Inc, which happens to be a bunch of contractors who are part of the same small group from Plainfield Christian Church.  We are pouring footers & floors this week!  See pictures below!
If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift to go towards the expansion of the ICOM Office, please visit our newly launched social media campaign! Watch the video to see the current office space! We have until September 30th to raise the needed funds!

Could you give $20, $50, or $100?
Exhibitor Info
There are only around 36 exhibit spaces left for this year!! We are selling multiple spaces DAILY! If you or someone you know has not gotten their exhibit space for Columbus, click here to get the information! Call the ICOM Office to talk to Emily or email emily@theicom.org with any questions you have!
Pre-Con Options
Don’t forget to register for one of our 3 Pre-Conference Options! They are listed below
1. Pre-Con: For Missionaries Only
2. Community Health Evangelism (CHE) – sponsored by FAME
3. Standards of Excellence (SOE) 

These are a great time of fellowship, growth, & encouragement with people who ahve the same interests as you! Connect with people you might not know at one of these Pre-Cons! Click here to learn more!

Copyright © 2014 International Conference on Missions, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

International Conference on Missions

95 E County Rd 1000 S

Clayton, IN 46118