Greetings once again from Las Brisas de Chamelecon, Honduras.  It is still hot, but we did have a rain last night to cool things off for awhile.
It has been quiet here with no special activities.  We continue to have great attendances at Church and Madonna enjoys sharing with the women most Thursdays.  This week we didn’t have too many, but she is amazed at the different Scriptures the women select and comment on them,  One of our younger ladies used a Scripture  in Proverbs about listening to instruction and made the comment that sometimes you thing the minister is preaching directly to you and it can make you angry, but then you think about it and know it is for your good.
We already have had more patients in the clinic this month than we had a year ago and we have four days more to see patients.
Week before last, Madonna was surprised and pleased to have a young man, Carlos from La Barra in the clinic.  The first time she had seen him was way back in 1993 at her first clinic across the river at La Bsrra.  At that time he was only a few months old, very malnourished and anemic and his body was covered with pussy sores.  Madonna didn’t think he would live, but God is still in the business of miracles and slowly, but surely, he became better and now is a robust 21 year old.  What a joy to see how God healed him.
John continues to do well and keeps the dishes washed up as Madonna  keeps making birthday cakes for the women of the congregation  She only had two to do in June, has one in July and none in August which is just as well since we will be in the Sitates.  She will have some catching up to do when we return for those who have birthdays in September and the first part of October.
John doesn’t have to go outside to bring in water very often now as about every other day we get it in our shower, so he fillls the buckets from there.
Since we wrote last month we have had confirmations from Kirkllin Christian Churrch, Williamsport Christian and Jerome Christian.
We thank you again for your prayers and messages.  
In His Love, John and Madonna