Update from Zimbabwe…


Last month was certainly more eventful than most for us here at HVCM!  Our Director, Al Serhal traveled over to Zimbabwe on February 8th to teach a class on Advanced Homiletics at Zimbabwe Christian College.  His three-week stay was very beneficial for the class of senior students that he was teaching, and he made it back safely at the end of the month.  

Our Board Chairman, Dave Thurmam, also led a team of men over toward the end of February to assist in putting on the 19th annual Zimbabwe Preaching Summit.  The event was very encouraging for all who attended (over 150 preachers from Zim and other surrounding countries) and was definitely a success!

Lastly, our Office Manager Brittany Wisecup led a team of 6 people to Zimbabwe to host the

1stLiving Proof Patron Training Conference.  There were over 50 teachers and school chaplains

in attendance and they each left in high spirits for the exciting things God is doing through the

sponsorship program!  The team also assisted in passing out uniforms and shoes to Living Proof

children (purchased by their sponsors at Christmas), and this day turned out to be very special.

See below for a beautiful testimony.


One of our team members, Rachel Werner, was able to meet and personally hand out the uniform and shoes she had purchased for her sponsored child.  Below is Rachel’s personal testimony about this touching day:
Today I met Modina Mudzingwa. 
This past summer I signed up to become a Living Proof sponsor through Hippo Valley Christian Mission. Shortly after signing up I was sent a packet with information and a picture of Modina Mudzingwa, the child they picked for me to sponsor. To say my life the past couple months has been crazy and stressful would be an understatement. Honestly, I only thought of my sponsor child once a month when the automatic withdrawal hit my credit card. I wish now that I would have done more. As I write this I am about half way through a two week trip in Zimbabwe with a team lead by Hippo Valley. Today I met Modina Mudzingwa.
When we first met the children from her school they sang several songs for us. Then each student from the Living Proof program recited scripture; I wish I could share every moment of that experience! After the program we helped pass out the new uniforms, shoes and socks that were provided by sponsors at Christmas. If the program did not already have every one of our team members tearing up this portion of the day certainly did. Many of the students received their very first pair of shoes that day. One team member bent down to help tie a girl’s shoes and ended up with a line of 10-15 because none of them knew how to tie them even though most were in 4th-6th grade. I was able to give Modina her new uniform, socks and shoes.
Today I met Modina Mudzingwa and she changed me. She put a new perspective on the problems I face. I will no longer only think of my “sponsor child” once a month, but will actively be praying for Modina and seeking additional ways to help. There are many more children like Modina. After today I honestly wish I could sponsor them all. To those that are currently sponsoring, it is working. I have also visited several other schools and have been greeted by many wonderful children reciting scripture and singing songs of worship. To those that are not currently sponsoring a child through Living Proof, please consider this program. I have seen firsthand the wonderful work of this program and the many children still needing help. Maybe you too can one day meet your Modina.
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