Herko Family Mission Update 
May 25, 2016
Update on Dennis and Mary Herko
Dennis had partial knee replacement surgery (right knee) in December, 2015. He was previously plagued with knee pain for many years and he is now back to most activities with some limitations. He continues to do daily therapy exercises. Since he is not permitted to run, to play single’s tennis, or to play basketball, it looks like he will not be able to compete in this year’s summer Olympics!

Mary had major lumbar surgery (L4, L5, and S1) in April, 2016. The back and leg pain she had for many years, intensified last year. After doing therapy and having two MRI’s, the neurosurgeon recommended surgery. The surgery included fusion, a disk removal where rods, screws, and caging were placed to keep the space open, and holes were drilled to free nerves that were impinged. Mary had a rough start with a few scary moments, but in spite of that, her recovery has gone well. The original pain (previous to surgery) is gone! She continues to improve daily and is currently doing outpatient therapy. Mary has been able to attend church the last three Sundays. The photo is from Mother’s Day.
Thanks for the prayers that have been offered, and for the kindness that has been shown to the Herko’s. Please continue to pray for Dennis and Mary as they work toward complete physical rehabilitation. The Herko’s look forward to returning to Jamaica in late June as they will be hosting three work teams in July.

Pray for our July, Short-Term Mission Teams
Center Pointe Christian Church, Liberty Township, OH
     July 9-17, Basketball Camp for high school students
Lakeside Christian Church, Lakeside Park, KY
     July 16-23, Ministry to high school students
North Terrace Church of Christ, Zanesville, OH
     July 23-30, Vacation Bible School, *Construction

In Our Next Issue. . .

We will be sharing an update on the Preschool-Kindergarten that we are building/starting on the site of the Old Harbour Church property.

Help Support the Work of Herko Family Mission
(1) Make an immediate donation by clicking on the following link: Donate Now

(2) Support Herko Family Mission through your Amazon purchases. Log in to your Amazon account and select Herko Family Mission as your charity in Amazon Smile. When making purchase, log into your account through smile.amazon and Amazon will donate to Herko Family Mission. To get started click here: smile.amazon.com

(3) For those in KY, Kroger has made it easier to donate to Herko Family Mission through their fund-raising program. You can help Herko Family Mission through a simple on-line registration of your Kroger Plus Card at Kroger Community Rewards. Once registered, go to your Account Summary page, and select Herko Family Mission Fund, Inc. or our Kroger number, which is 12254 as your “Community Rewards” organization.
Herko Family Mission, P.O. Box 910933, Lexington, KY 40591-0933