Thank God:

·      For a restful weekend at a nearby get-away place. The water was perfect Saturday morning for experiencing part of God’s underwater creativity, and the relaxing atmosphere of the entire weekend was just what we needed.

·      That teammates Jim and Justin returned safely from visiting schools in two language groups that are using our PBT materials to teach their children in their own language. We don’t yet have details but Jim said the trip went very well.


Please Pray:

·      For our team as we make crucial decisions about timing and other details for launching a new project to facilitate translation and literacy in four language groups. Pray especially for co-workers Norm and Brian as they prepare to visit these language communities soon. Pray for their wisdom as they lay out the plan for how each community can become involved. Pray that we will continue to move forward in faith, trusting God to provide the people and other resources needed.

·      For Mike, the local church leaders, and others involved in planning for the Hope for a Better Future church conference in early October.

·      For wisdom to set a time for Mike to visit the Akukem area and to overcome the challenges in planning this trip. He needs to go soon, before rainy season arrives and makes the roads impassable.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, gifts payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.