Thank God:

·      For sustaining us through another very full week.

·      For His protection of us and our teammates.

·      That Akukem team members Augustine and Kaspar came into the office this past week. Mike was able to visit with each of them and gain information that will be helpful for future planning.

·      For a friend who diagnosed and corrected a problem with the solar water heater on our roof. After several weeks of little or no hot water unless we used our (expensive!) electric booster, it is wonderful to again have hot water on demand. (You know, sometimes it really is the little things that matter!)

·      That our daughter Karissa successfully completed her Master of Science degree in Organizational Development, graduating with distinction Friday night from Abilene Christian University.


Please Pray:

·      For the Akukem people and especially the translation team, that God will cause peace and unity to replace conflict and division for His glory and for the continuation of the translation work.

·      For teammates Jim and Justin as they leave Madang Monday to visit two language groups that are using the Elementary Prep curriculum materials that Eunice helped develop. They hope to assess student progress and get initial feedback from the teachers on how the materials are – and are not – working for them. Pray that they will accomplish these purposes and that their visit will be an encouragement to the teachers and the communities.

·      For God’s protection and extra measures of peace for our entire team. Pray especially for Jim’s wife Joni and for Sharon (who lives on the same property with them) during Jim’s absence.

·      For satisfactory resolution of copyright issues pertaining to the Kire and Aruamu New Testaments.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea.