Thank God:

·      For measurable progress that teams from five different language groups have made this past week here in Madang: the Mbore team correcting spelling, grammar, and other mostly minor errors; the Mum team making spelling corrections in Matthew; the Aruamu completing their exegetical check of Ecclesiastes; the Tay recording their New Testament; William Butler and co-worker Samuel drafting Luke. It truly is invigorating to see so many who are working so hard moving visibly closer to their goals!

·      For enabling us to be part of this pretty amazing team of missionaries and national co-workers.

·      That details are coming together for Eunice’s trip to the U.S. for meetings in Dallas in December and for Mike’s trip to the U.S. so our family can again celebrate Christmas together.


Please Pray:

·      That the Mbore team will finish their read-through and corrections this week so that they can take a short break before beginning their next step – one more thorough read-through of their New Testament to make sure that all their planned changes have been correctly entered and that the resulting text is clear and accurate. (Yes, we really are serious about the quality of our translations!)

·      That God will sustain Steve, Nehemiah, Billy, and Jepili as they continue recording this week. The recording must precisely match the published Tay New Testament; checking this is very tedious work for Steve but it must be done so that any sections with mistakes can be recorded again.

·      That God will also uphold and enable the Aruamu, Mum, and Waran teams as they work.

·      For the remaining details of our December travels to come together well. We are especially asking for “just right” housing in California for our family at Christmas time and for a vehicle for Eunice to drive in Dallas. (Rental rates seem unusually high this year!)


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, gifts payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.