Greetings! This update is primarily a quick call to prayer for events taking place this week here in Dallas:

· Discovery – Pioneer Bible Translators’ annual recruitment week. We’re expecting 51 students, all of whom are here to prayerfully seek information from us and direction from the Lord whether this is the ministry in which God desires them to serve. They’ll be inundated with solid information blended with stirring accounts of the transformative power of God’s Word when people hear it in the language of their hearts. They’ll also hear about people who are still waiting. Pray that they will discern God’s will.

· Discovery for children and teens – PBT wants the entire family to be prepared to live, serve, and thrive cross-culturally. Pray that this week will be encouraging and affirming for each child and teen that participates.

· Parents of Missionaries workshop – PBT also wants to prepare and encourage the parents of our missionaries. On Thursday we’ll have a day-long seminar for them, and Eunice will be speaking about how important it is for missionaries to have their parents’ blessing. Pray that the parents in attendance will encourage and bless each other, and pray that Eunice’s words will help at least one reluctant parent to release his or her child to serve Bibleless people in a far-away place.

Want to pray more specifically throughout this entire week? We’ll paste this week’s PBT Daily Prayer Guide at the end of this update.

Although we don’t have a large number of specific responsibilities this week, we will be interacting with Discovery participants, especially those who have an interest in serving in Papua New Guinea. We’ll also enjoy interacting with teammates from around the world whom we rarely get to see. And we’re providing housing to a member of our Development team, enjoying interactions with him over breakfast and sometimes late in the evening. Pray that we will both have stamina throughout the week, and pray for God-directed conversations.

Thanks for praying!

Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder

Pioneer Bible Translators

PO Box 380721

Duncanville, TX 75138-0721

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide – June 3-9

Our recruitment-oriented Discovery program begins today and continues through Thursday. Pray that participants will clearly see the needs of the world’s Bibleless people as well as their own potential for helping meet them.

Discovery includes classes for the children of current and future teammates. Pray that they will gain valuable cross-cultural skills while forming friendships with others.

A continuing education seminar on spiritual warfare is also being offered this week. Pray that it will equip well the current and future field personnel who attend.

Parents experience unique joys and concerns as they send their adult children to distant places to serve the Bibleless. Pray that a seminar being held tomorrow will greatly encourage this special group of senders.

Our international finance team will conduct a seminar tomorrow morning. Pray that it will equip all who attend to navigate well our finance processes. Pray that it will deepen relationships.

Our board of directors, which gives invaluable guidance to our ministry, meets today and tomorrow. Pray for profitable discussions and wise decisions.

Prayer is Pioneer Bible Translators’ strategy. Pray that training being offered to both adults and children tomorrow and Monday will equip all participants to pray with greater impact on behalf of the Bibleless.

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