Thank God:

·      For His sustaining presence.

·      For an encouraging initial visit with a new doctor last week. (We won’t have anything further to report for a while, as it normally takes about two weeks for the results of one of the lab tests to get back to the doctor.)

·      That the chiropractor working on Mike’s back and neck is very pleased with how he is responding to the treatments.

·      For enabling Eunice to give a devotional message Saturday to future missionaries enrolled in a personal health care course.

·      For our son Josh, who celebrates another birthday on Wednesday.


Please Pray:

·      For our teammates in Papua New Guinea as they prepare for a short time of retreat and team building beginning next Sunday. Pray also for Shonna and Kathy, who are leading the retreat, and for Erin, who is leading the times of worship.

·      For daily strength and focus.

·      That God will heal Mike and fully restore his energy.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, gifts payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.