Thank God:

·      For pleasantly cool temperatures these past few days.

·      For Willie, husband of a PBT co-worker, who is looking for a “just right” vehicle for us.

·      For our son Matthew, born 36 years ago Tuesday. 

·      That Lindy and the Mbore team have completed their check and corrections of 82% of John’s Gospel – an accomplishment explainable only in terms of answered prayer.


Please Pray:

·      For healing of Mike and renewal of his strength.

·      For Eunice as she begins her second week of working regular part-time hours at PBT’s International Service Center. Pray that she will balance well these new responsibilities with all her other current PBT and personal commitments.

·      For Eunice as she has a follow-up appointment Monday afternoon regarding her cataracts. Pray for wisdom in whatever decisions we must make regarding her eyes. 

·      For Katie, our current renter, and her housemates, that God will quickly provide for their housing needs. 

·      That God will provide the right vehicle for us, presumably through Willie but perhaps through some other avenue.

·      For Mbore team leader Steven and his wife as they travel to another town in PNG this week for treatment for her mouth cancer. Pray also for Lindy and the remaining Mbore team members as they continue their work without Steven’s involvement. 


Save the Date:

Saturday afternoon, November 7, PBT will break ground for our new Vision Building and Prayer Tower at 7255 West Camp Wisdom Road in Dallas. You’re cordially invited to join this time of celebration at God’s provision of the funds needed to build and the growth of PBT that makes this building so urgently needed. Additional details about this special day are available on request. 


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To partner financially in our ministry, checks payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.