Thank God:

·      For His gracious and loving care for us.

·      That Eunice’s meeting to hear Justin and Thomas’s report on the recent Mbore teacher in-service course went well. Although bad weather delayed the start, and only five teachers from three schools attended, they were able to cover all of the planned material and give the teachers time to practice what they were learning. The biggest praise, though, is the eagerness with which they participated in the short Bible studies that were held each morning. They listened to a portion of Mark in their own language, then considered some challenging questions about its meaning in their daily lives. Justin described this as “a real turning point” for some of the participants.

·      For the dedication of the current team of Mbore men, who have committed to the tedious task of combing through the translated New Testament, adjusting the wording and spelling to make it acceptable to all the Mborena Kam dialects. Thank God also for the commitment of Martha Wade, who is setting aside the next steps in her own translation program in order to work with the Mbore team.


Please Pray:

·      For both of us to be able to accomplish the many tasks that await our time and energies. Mike especially has a very full agenda for the next several weeks. Pray for God’s protection of his health and his time.

·      For Mike to successfully complete a programming project that is needed for converting our team’s finance records to new software. Pray also for teammate Joni, who has a mountain of work to accomplish this week before the conversion process gets underway next week.

·      For Eunice as she once again focuses large blocks of time this week on PBT’s The Latest Word magazine.

·      That God will sustain all who are involved in getting the Mbore New Testament ready to be published.

·      For our teammates Kevin, Erin, and Jim as they teach a Scripture Use course this week at Gandep Bible School. Pray also for peace and protection for Jim’s wife Joni during his absence.

·      That God will bring peace and unity to the members of the Akukem translation team.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, gifts payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.