Thank God:

·      For the safe arrival of Wes and Alta, who have come to serve in numerous vital ways for two months. Give thanks for the opportunity to host them for their first in-country meal and for the good visit despite their fatigue and having no electricity (so no fans to help relieve the extreme heat).

·      For sustaining us through another full week.

·      For a profitable report from Justin and Thomas on the Elementary Prep teacher in-service course that they conducted for Mbore teachers who are using the curriculum materials that Eunice helped develop.  

·      That every epistle in the Apal New Testament has now been checked by a consultant!


Please Pray:

·      For physical, mental, and spiritual strength and energy to serve well each day.

·      For Eunice as she begins two weeks of working with Aruamu teachers who have been using the curriculum materials that she helped develop to teach Aruamu children to read and write in their own language. Pray for ears to hear well the feedback from these teachers and for wisdom as she and the teachers make decisions about how to make these materials easier to use.

·      For Mike to accomplish much this week both in his responsibilities as director of our team and also in preparing for a work session with the Akukem translators that begins next week.

·      For teammates Kevin and Tyler as they spend this week among the Mbore people, testing the current version of the Mbore New Testament by getting feedback as people listen to audio recordings of selected passages. Pray also for Kevin’s wife Erin and two young daughters and for Tyler’s wife Emily during the men’s absence.

·      For our teammate Martha and the Apal team as they begin working with consultant Wes to check Matthew. This is the final book in the Apal New Testament to undergo a check by a consultant.  


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea.