Thank God:

·      For many reminders this past week of His strengthening and empowering presence.

·      That the Apal team for whom you prayed last week arrived in Madang safely and were able to begin working with translator Martha and consultant Marsha on Wednesday. This is exciting because when they finish this work session the consultant checking of the entire Apal New Testament will be completed!


Please Pray:

·      For Mike and our teammates Jill, William, and Norm as they spend a week among the Ap Ma people, beginning Tuesday. The ministry of translation, literacy, and Scripture impact among the Ap Ma faces many challenges that must be resolved before PBT’s ministry there can resume. Pray for wisdom for Mike as he participates in the various meetings and also in casual conversations. Pray that God will enable him to hear what is being said – both the actual words and their true message. Pray for healing of damaged and fragile relationships. Pray for unity of vision for Bible translation and transformed lives among the Ap Ma. And finally, pray for Mike’s physical health and stamina, as he will be living in very simple accommodations in a remote jungle village that has earned the nickname “the birthplace of all mosquitos” (including those that transmit malaria and other unpleasant illnesses).

·      For God’s peace and protection for Eunice during the time that Mike is away.

·      For our teammates Jim, Joni, and Sharon as they grieve the death of Joni’s 4-month-old PNG namesake. Baby Joni had a congenital heart condition that could not be diagnosed and treated here. As is typical, her death has brought to the surface many long-standing conflicts within her family and community. Pray that God’s truth will prevail over darkness, lies, and accusations. Pray for God’s comfort for the baby’s family and for Jim, Joni, and Sharon. Pray that God will be glorified through the life and death of this beautiful baby girl.

·      For the Elementary Prep training for Mbore teachers, which is now scheduled to begin Tuesday. Pray that all the teachers and school leaders who had originally planned to come will still be able to. Pray that the teachers from the three schools that already have our curriculum materials will leave feeling confident to use them well this year. Pray for the teachers and leaders from the other schools as they consider whether to invest in the materials for use in their schools.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, gifts payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.