Thank God:

·      For His love for us that is beyond measure!

·      That our move Wednesday went very smoothly. Give thanks for pleasant weather, friends who were generous with their time and energy, and a delicious meal delivered by our teammate Kathy. 

·      For a special presentation arranged by our teammates in Papua New Guinea and delivered during the PBT Christmas party last Thursday, thanking Mike for his years of sacrificial service as director of our PNG team. 


Please Pray:

·      That we will soon feel fully settled into our home.

·      For Eunice to find time to edit well an article for PBT’s new publication Latest Words.  

·      That we can truly enjoy this Christmas season. Pray that we will allow the message of “Emmanuel, God with us” to refresh and renew us in the midst of fatigue and uncertainty.

·      That God will heal Mike and renew his strength, and that He will use him in mighty ways during this time of healing. 

·      That God will bring about the completion of the Akukem New Testament.

·      For our teammates in Papua New Guinea, especially Brian, the director, as he carries a heavy load. 


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, checks payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.