Thank God:

·      For rest and peace and for God’s loving presence in our lives.

·      For continued progress in recording the New Testament in the Mbore language and tweaking the wording of the translation to insure that it is ready to be published.

·      For the team of interns who have served this summer in Papua New Guinea. Give thanks for the ways they have blessed our team and countless Papua New Guineans and for the ways they have grown and been blessed during their time there.


Please Pray:

·      For missionary co-workers Lindy, Jim, and Joni and Papua New Guinean co-workers Steven and Benny as they visit villages in the Marangis and Kayan language groups this week. Pray for safe travel by land, river, and ocean. Pray that in both places they will have productive conversations that will help the communities prepare to participate in a new translation, literacy, and Scripture use initiative.

·      That God will heal Mike and fully restore his energy.

·      That we will use this extra time in the U.S. to heal, revitalize, and grow both individually and as a couple.

·      For the interns as they return to the U.S. this week. Pray that they will clearly discern whether God is leading them into long-term ministry on behalf of the world’s remaining Bibleless, churchless people.   


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to