Here are a few reasons to praise God since the last time we wrote:

·         The Wagi people of Papua New Guinea now have the book of Luke in their heart language. We first met the Wagi back in 1984 during our orientation as newcomers to PNG. Later Mike facilitated the beginnings of a mother-tongue translation program. Recently a missionary from another organization helped the community resume this work, and on July 31 they received and dedicated their first book of Scripture!

·         God has provided the house that will become our next home. After several fruitless attempts to buy, and even having some  houses go off the market before we could view them, we found a house in very good condition that should meet our needs for many years to come. The day after we made our offer we found out that it had been accepted even though the sellers received at least one offer higher than ours. 

·         A new issue of Latest Words, PBT’s newsletter that Eunice edits, was recently published. (If you’d like to receive a copy please let us know.)

·         Eunice was able to go see our son Matthew in his church’s production of Beauty and the Beast. Bonus: she got to visit with her nephew and his wife and see their four children perform in the musical. 


Here are a few ways to pray:

·         Pray that God will speak clearly to the Wagi people as they read and listen to Luke in their heart language. Pray that the message will transform their lives. Pray also that their joy in having this Gospel will motivate them to do their parts so that translation can continue.

·         Some of our teammates in Papua New Guinea will spend this week in an Akukem village. Pray that their time there will be beneficial for the Akukem and also for them. Pray that the Akukem people will be encouraged by their visit and that this encouragement will spark renewed vigor in translation, literacy, and Scripture use.

·         We are scheduled to close on both the sale of our current house and the purchase of our new one on Friday, August 19. As we write this our buyers are not certain that their loan company will have everything ready. Please pray that whatever is unfinished will be completed in time for a Friday closing. 

·         We plan to move on Saturday, August 20. Please pray that this will happen, giving thanks that our son Josh and daughter Karissa are able to come help. 

·         Mike’s energy remains very low. Pray that God will heal him and restore his energy.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea and the U.S. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, checks payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 380721, Duncanville, TX 75138-0721.