Bible College Proposal

Can You Help NHCMP to Start a Bible College?

Objective: New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan feels the necessity to start a Bible College, in Pakistan.  We felt this, at the starting point of NHCMP, and now, we feel that there is a great need of trained ministers and leaders who can strengthen the Church in true doctrine and be able to defend their faith against Islam.  We need your help to raise $600,000 to make this project happen. 
By the Grace of God, we are doing well, and the ministry is doing well, in Pakistan, thanks to your prayers, love, and financial support.
Ever since NHCMP officially started, in 2007, we have planted two Churches, a School for Christian and Muslim kids, a Sewing Center for Women, Bible Certificate courses and Adult Education programs, to promote literacy.  Having done all of these things, we perceive that there is a great need of leadership training, especially while Christians are facing terrorist attacks and vicious, discriminatory Islamic laws.  Pakistan is 97% Islamic.  Regardless of this fact, we feel a hunger for the Word of God.  Some Muslims are very frustrated and are looking for hope.  Despite the fact that there are 97% Muslims, there are around 3% Christians.  It may seem small, but considering that Pakistan is around 196 million, in population, that would make around 5,880,000 Christians.  It is significant, and we feel that Christians are making a difference. 
Why This Is So Important: In May of 2014, I received a Master of Divinity, and Brittany received a Master of Arts in Religion.  We received these Degrees from Cincinnati Christian University.  Previous to that, from Boise Bible College, we received Bachelor of Arts Degrees, with two years of Greek (experience).  I also studied Hebrew, at Cincinnati Christian University. 
We see this Bible College Education Background as a great tool for planning this new Bible College, and plan to use our experience, education and expertise towards this project.  We can only achieve this when we have a regular Bible College, so we can teach people, systematically.
Proposed Architectural Layout of The Bible College:
Will you dream with us, on this project?  According to the Great Commission, in Matthew 28:18-20, we must go into all the nations to teach people the Word of God and the truth about Jesus Christ.

Here are some pictures of the diagram of how we want our building.

The Appearance of the Building
The Front and Rear Elevation Model
The Ground Floor Plan
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor Plans
Our need for this project is $600,000.  This covers the land and building expenses.  In addition, we envision this facility to be a multi-purpose center, including our School, Sewing Center, and Adult Education Classes.  The amount may seem big, but considering American budgets, this is very small.  When we were in America, we often heard about million-dollar budgets made by Churches.  We are only asking less than that. 


School Block Costs

A School Block

  • Civil works
  • Public Works (Internal)
  • Electrical Works
Sub Total $364,191.22
B Boundary Wall

  • Civil work
Sub Total $7,061.67
C Tuff paved Area and Tent Shed

  • Tuff paved Area and Tent Shed
Sub Total $9,348.89
D External Sewerage & Water Supply

  • Public Health Works (External)
Sub Total $7,744.72
E Canteen

  • Civil Works + PH Works + Electrical Works
Sub Total $8,144.27
Grand Total $396,490.78

Administration Block Costs

A Administration Block

  • Civil works
  • Public Health Works (Internal)
  • Electrical Works
Sub Total $88,666.67
B Boundary Wall

  • Civil work
Sub Total $5,555.56
C Tuff paved Area and Tent Shed

  • Tuff paved Area and Tent Shed
Sub Total $9,450.00
D External Sewerage & Water Supply

  • Public Health Works (External)
Sub Total $6,111.11
Grand Total $109,783.34
Note: The land prices are not included in this.  If we include the land price, in it, then it would be $600,000, altogether (Building and Land).
Every little drop counts, in the main bucket.  Will you share and partner with us, in this project?  Please pray fervently about this, and for the exciting ministry of NHCMP (James 5:16-17).
If 600 people donate $1,000,
or, if 1,200 people donate $500,
or, if 2,000 people donate $300,
This goal can be achieved.
Sam Gill
Founder and Director, NHCMP