
We are praising God for his goodness, through blessings and challenges. Please join us in thanking him for open doors in ministry and faithful answers to prayers. 


1.  Praise God for volunteers who have been preparing and loading our shipment for the hospital this week. Volunteers from Rocklane Christian Church, Outlook Christian Church, and Lebanon Christian Church have helped FAME get everything ready.

2.  Praise God for the Emmanuel Christian School teachers who are providing a quality education for Haitian children.

3. Praise God for our Compressed Earth Block team that is currently producing more than 1,300 blocks per day for construction of the hospital.

4. Praise God for IDES matching funds for our shipment to Haiti this month.

5. Praise God for prayer warriors who support us with their fervent prayer.



We are asking God to faithfully provide for us. We believe He will bring glory to Himself through these areas. Will you pray with us?


1.  Pray for RoRo and Eline Eustache as they return to Haiti from being in the States.

2.  Pray for God to raise up some new, key, young Haitian leaders for the work, including one to maintain vehicles and one to manage inventories.

3.  Pray for the dump truck to be released from customs. 

4.  Pray for Dr. Gay, Medical Director at Peredo Hospital, who is still experiencing some health problems and grieving the death of his son.

5.  Pray for God to give clear vision to our staff as they plan for the coming year.

6.  Pray for Kendi Kemerly, her father, a team from CIY Films, and the Burberrys as they travel to Haiti this weekend. Kendi, who is 11-years-old, raises funds for our poultry program.

7. Pray for the community of Belle Anse, Haiti, where we are planting a new church this fall.


Your partnership in prayer strengthens and sustains the ministry of HCO. Thank you! 

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