
We are praising God for his goodness, through blessings and challenges. Please join us in thanking him for open doors in ministry and faithful answers to prayers. 


1.  Praise God for for the new home built for Serge (one of the construction workers in Peredo) and his family after they lost their home in a fire.

2.  Praise God for the wonderful celebration and launch of the 30th Anniversary at ICOM in Columbus, Ohio.

3. Praise God for Steve Collins who received the HCO Legacy Partner Award at the celebration.

4. Praise God for our architect and mission partners that are providing consultation on the second phase of the hospital.

5. Praise God for prayer warriors who support us with their fervent prayer.



We are asking God to faithfully provide for us. We believe He will bring glory to Himself through these areas. Will you pray with us?


1.  Pray that Christ-followers in Peredo, Haiti will rise up and lead their community in a spiritual revival.

2.  Pray that the people of Haiti would stop following false gods and follow the one true God.

3.  Pray for Roro as he returns to Haiti this week to follow up on projects, meet with staff, and clear the containers. 

4.  Pray for the two containers of medical and construction supplies to be released from customs without any issues.

5.  Pray for the Christmas catalog to do well so those funds can be used to reach out to provide hope to those in need.

6.  Pray for the board of directors and leadership team as we plan for 2015 and beyond.

7.  Pray for the Haitian leadership as they finish up the year and make plans for 2015.


Your partnership in prayer strengthens and sustains the ministry of HCO. Thank you! 

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