We partner with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. 
 Together, we can do something for Haiti that will last!
HCO is building generations of new believers through 
Church Planting, Children, Health Care, and Community Development. 
Peredo Baptisms  
Above all else, HCO is about evangelism. Whether we are delivering babies, making blocks, or hosting teams, Jesus is the center of all we do. We recently rejoiced with Pastor Jacqueline and Emmanuel Christian Church of Peredo as they welcomed three new believers through baptism! Read more on our blog: Peredo Baptisms



Pouring the Roof, Part 1  
By far, the longest day at the mission last month was Monday, February 20, as over 100 Haitians and Americans poured the first part of the roof for Phase II of Peredo Community Hosptial. It was a tremendous day! Please praise God with us for His faithfulness as we work to complete this project! We’ve shared several photos and videos on our blog: Pouring the Roof, Part 1.  


Pray With Us in March
What is the most important thing you can do for HCO? Pray for us. We trust God’s plans are so much better than any we could dream up on our own or accomplish in our own power, so we begin everything from a position of seeking His will first and then strive to be faithful in following His leading. Join us in praising God and praying over these things: Pray With Us – March 2017. We invite you to share these with your friends, church, and mission team! 

We have seen an increase in the number of babies being born at Peredo Community Hospital. In fact, one mama labored as the roof was being poured, and a short-term team got to help our birthing staff welcome the little guy in the wee hours of the next morning. We introduce you to some of these precious little ones and more on our blog:  Babies! 


Infant Care Kits  
We get many requests from people who want to make, sew, or collect items to help our friends in Haiti. As the number of babies born at PCH continues to rise, Infant Care Kits are a great way to combine your talents and resources to meet needs of new mamas. These kits are a make and/or collect project for individuals and groups. If you love to sew, make as much as you’d like. If you don’t sew, have fun shopping! Get others involved. Many hands make light work!

Check out our general instructions, as well as several photos, tips, item-by-item instructions, sewing tips, and ideas on these links:

Seguin Medical Outreach Clinic    
Four American nurses, three Haitian doctors, and many other helpful hands made it possible for us to minister to 87 people in Seguin, Haiti, during the last week of February. We are grateful for these opportunities to meet needs and bring hope to the villages where we have churches and schools. Learn more: Seguin Medical Outreach Clinic  

Haitian Christian Outreach | PO Box 6355, Kokomo, IN 46904 | 217-778-6950 

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Haitian Christian Outreach, PO Box 6355, Kokomo, IN 46904-6355