
God is opening doors for ministry and faithfully answering our prayers. Please join us as we thank Him for His goodness!


1.  Praise God for Chosen Mission Project as they resource equipment for HCO in Phase II of Peredo Christian Hospital.

2.  Praise God for our new supporting churches: Lindside Christian Church (WVa) and Lebanon Christian Church (IN).

3.  Praise God for the safe delivery of Pastor Jackie’s new baby son, Gamaliel.

4.  Praise God for baby Crystal who is making progress after being born with club feet.

5.  Praise God for the recent groundbreaking ceremony for Phase II of Peredo Christian Hospital.

6.  Praise God for our partnerships with FAME, Storytellers, and Carelink which are helping expand our ministry. 



We believe God will be faithful to provide for the needs before us. Will you join us in asking Him to be glorified in these areas?


1.  Pray for new partnerships to develop with churches in Florida and Ohio.

2.  Pray for Rocklane Christian Church’s mission team as they travel to Haiti this Saturday, March 22.

3.  Pray for strength, wisdom, and encouragement for RoRo, Gerard, Mac, Cameron, Laura, and the rest of the HCO staff as they serve.

4.  Pray for the final customs inspection of the Compressed Earth Block equipment so that it can be transported to Peredo.

5.  Pray for our summer interns as they raise their support for 2014.

6.  Pray for RoRo as he builds key relationships and evaluates a location for the new church plant.

7.  Pray for blessings upon our sister missions throughout Haiti.

8.  Pray for Emmanuel Christian Church of Droulliard and Pastor Matthew Jacob as they work toward establishing their new church building.


Your partnership in prayer strengthens and sustains the ministry of HCO. Thank you!

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