
We are praising God for his goodness, through blessings and challenges. Please join us in thanking him for open doors in ministry and faithful answers to prayers!


1. Praise God for the opportunity to partner with Rapha House and provide a week of camp for their children. 


2. Praise God for teams from Louisville, KY; Lebanon, IN; Flagstaff, AZ; NYIT; and Centrailia, IL, who served with us this month.


3. Praise God for a great group of interns who are serving in Peredo this summer. Allison Conder, Faith Dahlqvist, Kara Roland, and Jonah Steele are doing a wonderful work with our staff and teams.


4. Praise God for our construction crew, led by Vilquin. They have the hospital walls at the halfway point!

5. Praise God for Pastor Matthew Jacob and the church at Drouillard. 


6. Praise God for his gracious provision.




We are asking God to faithfully provide for us. We believe He will bring glory to Himself through these areas. Will you pray with us?


1. Pray for the boldness of witnesses. We are asking God to raise up 100 new disciple makers through this ministry this year.
2. Pray for the Gary Martin family, arriving in Haiti this month to serve in Peredo. 
3. Pray for the government of Haiti to hold elections as soon as possible and to make good decisions.
4. Pray for the new church plant in Belle Anse as they launch Sunday morning services.
5. Continue to pray for the release of our 4-wheel drive diesel dump truck that has been held in customs for nearly two years.
6. Pray for a believer named Lukesan, whose powerful witness for Christ is influencing the community of Peredo.
7. Pray for wisdom in making key decisions that will make HCO even more mission-focused.
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