
We are praising God for his goodness, through blessings and challenges. Please join us in thanking him for open doors in ministry and faithful answers to prayers!


1. Praise God for a great retreat with the HCO board and staff on January 16-17.

2. Praise God for the surgeons and nurses who took care of Mac earlier this month as he underwent a successful surgery. He is now on the mend!

3. Praise God for you, our faithful prayer and financial partners, who make ministry in Haiti possible.

4. Praise God for a wonderful holiday season of rest for the staff and our families.  

5. Praise God for RoRo’s leadership with a broad-based group of church leaders, community leaders, and public officials who have joined together to confront the spiritual and social issues causing crime in Haiti. God is producing fruit from their efforts!

6. Praise God for the release of the two containers of medical and construction supplies. Thank you for praying!



We are asking God to faithfully provide for us. We believe He will bring glory to Himself through these areas. Will you pray with us?


1.  Pray for an additional $15,000 needed immediately
to pay the final and unexpected shipping fees on our last two containers as they cleared customs. 
2.  Pray that Christ-followers in all of Haiti will rise up and lead their communities in spiritual revival.
3. Pray for the government of Haiti to hold elections as soon as possible and make good decisions.
4. Pray for the leadership of Emmanuel Christian Church, Port-au-Prince as they make critical decisions for the future.
5.  Pray for the release of our 4-wheel drive diesel dump truck that has been held in customs for nearly two years.
6.  Pray for RoRo, Eline, Mac, and Cameron as they all travel to Haiti in the coming weeks.
7. Pray for the team from northern Ohio as they travel to Haiti on January 31 to help with the hospital construction in Peredo.
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