We partner with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. 
 Together, we can do something for Haiti that will last!
HCO is building generations of new believers through 
Church Planting, Children, Health Care, and Community Development. 

Seguin’s Feast of the Harvest

This past Sunday, Emmanuel Christian Church in Seguin celebrated the annual Feast of the Harvest. Everyone brought the first fruit of their gardens. At the end of the service, everything will be distributed to the church members who were the least fortunate this year. What is left will be shared with the poorest people in the the village. Over 1,500 people were present. Pastor Jacquelin preached the sermon. Praise God that 14 people were also baptized! View more photos on our blog: Feast of the Harvest

Prayer Stations Built in Peredo

Last October, the team from Outlook Christian Church(McCordsville, IN) traveled to Haiti with the express purpose of praying for and with our Haitian friends. One of the many things they did was to build 5 new prayer stations on our Peredo campus for Americans and Haitians to use as they grow closer to God. We are excited to see what God does through this new tool!
If you are on a team that is preparing to go to Haiti in 2016, we especially encourage you to read this blog and prepare your hearts for praying more purposefully while on campus! 


 We’re sharing more stories on our new blog! 

eStories will provide a digest of the blog posts each month. Visit our blog to sign up for an RSS feed, direct email updates, or check out our stories below!

Top 5 Things to Take on a Mission Trip 
Cameron shares gear tips for anyone preparing to go on a mission trip 

Good News About IRA Giving
New benefit for those who can bless ministries through a traditional or Roth IRA

Monthly Prayer Points
We are including our monthly Prayer Points content via this link that will now be available through our eStories. This will help us communicate prayer needs earlier each month and reduce an email in your inbox. We hope you will continue praying with us and sharing our prayer needs with your churches and mission teams: February 2016 Prayer Points

Haitian Christian Outreach | 217.778.6950 | Email | Website