
God is opening doors for ministry and faithfully answering our prayers. Please join us as we thank Him for His goodness!


1.  Praise God for our our short-term teams from Ohio & West Virginia.

2.  Praise God for FAME, Midmark, Chosen Mission Project, IDES and other contributors to the shipment for the hospital.  The shipment is scheduled to be loaded in Indianapolis in September.

3. Praise God for the marriage of our Executive Director, Mac Burberry to Michelle Zimmerman.  They were married in Haiti by RoRo on August 2nd.

4. Praise God for the Emmanuel Christian School teachers who provide a quality education for Haitian children.

5. Praise God for the Kairos missions course that has been a key tool in shaping our team.

6. Praise God for Cameron Mayhill & Laura Oschwald who work tirelessly to help accomplish the mission.

7. Praise God for prayer warriors who support us with their fervent prayer.



We believe God will be faithful to provide for the needs before us. Will you join us in asking Him to be glorified in these areas?


1.  Pray for strength & wisdom for our Field Coordinator, RoRo Eustache, as he continues to lead us without the assistance of ToTo who has gone to be with The Lord.

2.  Pray for God to raise up some new key young Haitian leaders for the work.

3.  Pray for the dump truck to be released from customs. 

4.  Pray for Dr. Gay, Medical Director at Peredo Hospital, who is suffering some health problems.

5.  Pray for wisdom for the US staff as we prepare for a busy Fall season.

6.  Pray for the interns as they return home.  Allison & Abbie are still suffering from residual effects of the Chikungunya virus.

7. Pray for the Haiti CEB team as they begin producing block.  Pray that they build a cohesive team, learn to produce quality block, and maintain the new equipment.

9. Pray for Pastor Jonas Eustache and the church at Kapotier, Haiti.  


Your partnership in prayer strengthens and sustains the ministry of HCO. Thank you! 

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