
God is opening doors for ministry and faithfully answering our prayers. Please join us as we thank Him for His goodness!


1.  Praise God for delivery of the Compressed Earth Block equipment to Peredo.

2.  Praise God for the new contributions towards the construction of Phase II of Peredo Community Hospital.

3.  Praise God for friends from the Rocklane Christian Church who served in Peredo last month.  They helped to layout Phase II of the hospital.

4.  Praise God that a cardiac cath showed no blockages in the heart of Stephen Collins, (former Executive Director and current board member).  He is recovering well.

5.  Praise God our hospital staff.

6.  Praise God our partnership with Lincoln Christian University.


We believe God will be faithful to provide for the needs before us. Will you join us in asking Him to be glorified in these areas?


1.  Pray for new partnerships to develop with churches in Florida and Ohio.

2.  Pray for a group of Wounded Warriors who will be serving with HCO in Haiti from May 3-10.

3.  Pray for a group of students from Eastern Illinois University who will be serving with HCO in Haiti from May 10-17.

4.  Pray for the final customs inspection of the Diesel Dump Truck.

5.  Pray for our summer interns as they make their final preparations for the summer in a retreat May 1-3.

6.  Pray for RoRo as he recovers from oral surgery.

7.  Pray for Emmanuel Christian Church of Port-au- Prince and Pastor Gerard Eustache as he continues to lead this congregation.



Your partnership in prayer strengthens and sustains the ministry of HCO. Thank you!

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