growing followers


Dr. Jose Denis Rodriguez, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, recently sent us this update on events in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Panama.  He writes:
Hello dear friends!  This is a report of what has been happening in the work of God in these countries…


distributing gifts

El Salvador:

  • In the last days of December and the first two weeks of January, we have distributed more than 1,500 toys to poor children in our communities.
  • The House Churches continue to grow every day.
  • Two weeks ago the young people had an activity on spiritual fellowship, attended by 75 young people.
  • A new House Church has begun in Sonsonate

Please pray:

  • Pray for the various activities scheduled in 2014.
  • Pray for Alexander and Zuleima, who will be married at Santa Tecla Christian Church in the first week of February.

ministry in Guatemala


  • Gradually the work of God continues to grow in Guatemala .
  • In the first days of December, I was in Guatemala in several meetings with the attorney to get legal documentation for Lifeline to work there. Thank God that everything is going well…a little slow, but fine.
  • gave a seminar for new leaders, which was a blessing to them. 

Please pray:

  • Keep praying for Deybee and Yoselin.  They are from El Salvador and will begin work in Guatemala, once we have the financial resources to send them there.  Pray that our God continues to grow their passion for missions. 
  • Pray for our legal documents.

ministry in Panama


  • The legal documentation has been approved and Lifeline is now recognized in Panama!
  • The church continues to grow in Panama.
  • The leadership seminars in Panama strengthen the church of the Lord Jesus .
  • I was in the church in Panama preaching and giving a two -day seminar for leaders.  We handed out over 300 toys to the children of the church and other children in need.

Please pray:

  • Pray for God’s work in Panama.
  • Pray  much for some new brothers who are joining the mission in Panama.
  • Pray for a small group of young people who are trying to win others to Christ through the sports ministry.


Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA