Thank you for your prayers!
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Current Prayer Needs:

  • We’re enrolled in CCEF language school in Albertville, France to begin in January. Pray that we will be good students of the French language and that we will not be discouraged on the days that we just aren’t grasping things well.
  • Pray that our visas will arrive in time for us to start our schooling. Our plane tickets are for December 31st. It has been difficult for us not to be anxious and we have no way of knowing exactly when our passports will be returned or whether they will have visas inside them or not or if we’ll be requested to provide further paperwork. We’ve changed the date for the movers to come take our boxes to the 28th in hopes of having visas before then. 
  • It’s been a tiring month between colds and a kidney stone. Pray that we will all be healthy when we board the plane and that paying doctor and hospital bills long distance won’t overwhelm.
  • We’re still raising our support. Pray that we will find more supporters!
  • Praise God for the ways that He keeps blessing us through other people, whether through an encouraging word, a financial gift, a hug, or getting to spend time with friends and family.
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