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CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
The latest news stories from our team around the world.

Ethiopia: An amazing year of spiritual growth

Ethiopia, church catalyst, KAC, Fowler, church plantersThe CMF team in Ethiopia and its partners, the Kristos Andinet Churches (KAC), witnessed tremendous growth in 2017 as 2260 new believers and baptisms were celebrated and 15 new churches were planted. Meet some of the CMF team members and the Ethiopian church planters who are fearlessly spreading the gospel, and see some of the […]
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Tithing our business: Indy realtors aid MOHI through MyHome4Good

Smith, Lee, Christopher, Shane, Indianapolis, realtors, MOHI, unsponsored children, MyHome4GoodTwo Indianapolis-area real estate agents with a shared passion for missions have found a way to use their jobs to transform lives and communities around the world, and their clients are happy to help them do it. Lee Smith, a member of Connection Pointe Christian Church, Brownsburg, Ind., and Shane Christopher, who helps create discipleship […]
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Five years later, Australian school youth club reaches capacity

Brisbane, Australia, Weller, Abby, youth workFive years ago, Abby Weller sat down with the principal of Dandenong West Primary School in Melbourne, Australia, and asked to start an after-school youth group on Thursdays. “We were nervous, knowing that the state government has strict guidelines in regards to religion in schools,” said Abby. “But to my surprise, the principal agreed and […]
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Community learning centers continue to bear fruit in India

India, API, discipleship, trainingAsian Partners International, CMF’s partner organization in India, works to foster discipling movements among unreached people groups with a Community Learning Center (CLC) approach that has led to the rapid growth of tens of thousands of house churches. The group recently released its 2017 annual report. Here are some facts and figures that will help […]
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