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Amazing Events at Arizona Reservation Ministries

This small ministry serves a Mighty King! So much has unfolded since our last News, that we are excited to share: Teen Lock-in, Two Water Family Fun Days, three Vacation Bible Schools, the Backpack Project and Youth Group Kick-off…PLUS much work on one of the homes! Praise God for HIS great power, direction and provision!

We have long-prayed for the teens of San Carlos; for their lives, and for their future involvement with ARM. Others have grown up within this ministry and then served here. It is our prayer that the YOUTH GROUP of ARM, that officially begins this Friday evening, would reap a great harvest for the LORD!
A deep discussion about life and the LORD with teens from
San Carlos.
We need your prayers! Consider contacting us to participate in a
Prayer Journey
of the
San Carlos Apache Reservation
this Fall.
We’re excited that 1,048 students were able to start school this August with the supplies our partners provided! Many thanks to those of you who helped with this great project!
Two friends from New Jersey took a break while working on Veronica’s home. It’s almost done! We thank God for the Short-Term Ministry Teams He provides! Another home awaits completion, in need of YOUR help, too.
