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CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
Providing authentic Christian community through international campus ministry.

Cody Spencer and campus ministry in Spain: ‘God can use my story’

Spencer, Cody, Salamanca, Spain, Globalscope, campus ministry, Georgia Tech, CCFCody Spencer’s roommate at Georgia Tech badgered him to go to the Christian Campus Fellowship (CCF) for six months before he went, and he admits it was another six months until he liked it. “I’d been to church and didn’t like Christians in general,” he said. But he liked what he saw at CCF enough […]
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I’m going to Cork, Ireland, with Globalscope!

His love of cycling is one avenue that new Globalscope campus minister Luke Caldwell hopes to use in getting to know and build relationships with students in Cork, Ireland. Luke is part of a team that is forming to launch a new campus minister at University College Cork. The Auburn University student has been considering […]
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Bold steps in Brisbane at The Garden: Small groups and first retreat

Globalscope, Schlipf, Eric, Abernathy, Emily, The Garden, campus ministry, Brisbane, AustraliaAs the new semester begins at The Garden campus ministry in Brisbane, Australia, the team is seeing God doing absolutely incredible work, says campus minister Emily Abernathy Schlipf. “At our Tuesday Nights we are doing a theme of ‘Who is Jesus?’ ” Emily said. “Each week we pick a story or attribute of Jesus and […]
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