It is with a heavy heart that I bring you the news of the untimely passing of our friend and colleague Deepak Dhingra. Deepak served as the founder and executive director of North India Christian Mission where he planted many churches. He was also the regional director of GNPI-Chandigarh, India. In his “spare” time, he often partnered with IDES in times of tragedy, FAME in bringing medical services to the area, and several other types of ministries.

Deepak and his wife Simmi have an incredible story of transformation from Hinduism to being followers of Christ Jesus. In a very literal way, they risked their family relationships when they chose to live for Christ, something most of us will never have to face. They lived that transformation daily as they honored Him.

Over the weekend, we received the news that Deepak had become very ill. He was hospitalized and put in ICU with a very aggressive, unidentified lung infection. His doctors were treating him with powerful antibiotics, but when God is calling one of his children home, no amount of antibiotics will change the outcome. Sunday evening, Deepak went to be with our heavenly Father.

We will miss Deepak, and we pray that God will call others to pick up the mantle and carry on the work. We are saddened, but because of the hope we have in Jesus, we can also rejoice!


He leaves behind his wife, Simmi, 2 sons, and 2 daughters. His sons, Suraj and Ashish, are 23 and 20 respectively. Both boys are studying in the US. His daughters are Raheel, 16, and Megha, just 6 years old. Please pray for this family as they begin their journey with grief. Ask for wisdom in decision making as Deepak was key to many different ministries.

Finally and most importantly, please pray that Deepak’s death will have a profound impact on those in his and Simmi’s family who still do not know the Lord. The Dhingras have been, at times, ostracized by their own family for their decisions to follow Christ. Join us in praying that even in death, as in life, Deepak’s testimony will touch his family and move them to a saving relationship with Christ. Deepak would have loved nothing better!


Thank you for being our faithful friends and prayer warriors. In times like these, we are very thankful that we can come to you with these requests.


Until He Comes!



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