Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible, but it casts an eternal vision. It is a beautiful sneak peek into heaven to experience the nations of the world praising the Lord together. GNPI ministry partners from 12 nations collaborated on this special project. Please enjoy and share this video!WATCH VIDEO
Charles and Roberta served as missionaries to the Philippines for more than 40 years in a remarkable ministry. The Lord used their pioneering spirits to help them in establishing a Bible seminary, a printing ministry, Christian high schools, and a children’s home.
You are helping take the Gospel into all the world. Your support of Project Nomad is meeting needs and encouraging believers in places where only half of a percent of people are Christians. One trainee from northwestern India says, “Few people from my area even know about Jesus. This will really help to share the message of Jesus.”
Have you experienced the delight of watching others enjoy beloved people and places for the first time? This is one of the reasons I welcome others to accompany me when I travel internationally. It was a blessing to have Drs. Leif and Amy Ford …