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Celebrating 20 Years!

Executive Director Mike Schrage gives a tribute to the regional office in Nairobi, Kenya. He highlights some of their current projects. Mike also offers a heartfelt thank you to supporters on this special occasion of their 20th anniversary.  READ MORE

God’s Word Is Enough


One of our newest board members shares his perspective of GNPI as he and his wife, Lori, recently visited the regional center in Kenya with Mike Schrage. Robb Good says the trip to Nairobi allowed him to see GNPI’s impact in the community and globally. Robb says he saw firsthand how God’s Word is enough.

Disciples Making Disciples

By Mike Schrage


I recently visited GNPI’s office in Nairobi, Kenya. I’ve been there many times, in fact I helped start the center 20 years ago! Yet, I was reminded of something special this time as I interacted with our staff. After nearly two decades of service…



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