The Global Gospel (TGG) is making a great impact in India. As we look at the numbers of people who speak these languages, we estimate 877 million people could hear the Gospel in the ten languages we have prepared: Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, and Urdu…READ MORE
Matt Proctor, President of Ozark Christian College
Two things I know about today’s world: it’s increasingly technology driven, and it’s increasingly lost. That’s why I love the ministry of GNPI! They are harnessing the power of technology in highly effective ways to accelerate evangelism around the globe…
When we are able to access information in our heart language (the one we grew up speaking), the ideas, concepts, and principles have greater impact. Yet it’s not just language. For example, sociologists tell us there are at least 73 specific ways Americans aresocially different from Africans… READ MORE
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