Media Missionaries in Cairo


Timothy Jai Kumar, Project Nomad regional trainer from Chennai, India, graciously stepped in to help with a Project Nomad commitment a few weeks after the accident that caused the death of our friend and coworker Mark Allen. Timothy instructed 17 Arabic-speaking young people in July about new ways of using technology to present the Gospel… READ MORE

A Conversation with Dasha


Dasha, a student from Ukraine, shares about her personal faith. She explains some of the things she has learned about video production from GNPI and her view of the GNPI ministry. Dasha says, “Even though cultural barriers are difficult to overcome, we must take the Gospel to other countries. We won’t be separated by national boundaries in Heaven.”


Opportunities Are Calling

Mike Schrage


I was asked the other day by a supporter of GNPI, “Mike, where do you see GNPI going in the future?” I reached in my pocket and pulled out my iPhone 6 and replied, “Right here!” To prove my point, here are a few statistics from a recent video talk by author and consultant Tomi Ahonen on some important trends…


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