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Greater Impact

By Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Kenya

We have been praying for wisdom about how to reach the neglected and forgotten Ogiek community of central Kenya. One of the biggest challenges is communication. Most of them do not know Swahili, English, or any other indigenous language apart from their own Ogiek mother tongue.


More News From GNPI…


Moving and Changing to Share Christ’s Message – Last week’s

   feature about the exciting work in Thailand.
The Global Gospel – Learn more about this project, and track

   our progress as we are making our vision a reality.

Click here to see all the blogs

Solar Kits in South Sudan


Eddie Gonzalez is a missionary in South Sudan who received two Solar Kits from GNPI. In this short video produced by GNPI-Uganda, he shares about the impact those Solar Kits are having.


A Glimpse into Uganda

By Mike Schrage

While visiting Uganda, Sir Winston Churchill dubbed it the “Pearl of Africa!” There was no mistaking why. The beautiful landscape and fertile soil along the base of the mountains and along the great Nile River was inviting to many…




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