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Moving and Changing to Share Christ’s Message

By Tom Silkwood, Regional Director of GNPI-Thailand

We have completed a new Biblical Extension Course (BEC) program on Christian unity with Mr. Boonsak Tongdee. In addition, our partners at Freedom Films have finished a new testimonial program in the Changed series featuring Mr. Boonsak…


More News From GNPI…


Juan’s Cartel Encounter – Last week’s feature about a near death

   experience as one of our friends was ministering in Mexico.
God Has Really Provided for Us – A blog about God’s provision for

  Jeff Silkwood as he and his family join in his father’s work.

Click here to see all the blogs

Throwback Thursday with Tom Silkwood

Here’s one from the archives! It’s fun to sometimes look back at some of the “old stuff on the shelf.”


A Glimpse into Thailand

By Mike Schrage


Good things come to those who wait, right?


…Better things come to those who faithfully plan,execute, make necessary adjustments, and then expectantly watch as growth and change occur. I’m deeply convinced of this as I watch our friends at GNPI-Thailand.



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