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Juan’s Cartel Encounter By Greg Fish, Creative Media Designer

I was preparing for a trip to Mexico in July. Before I left, I received a prayer request from my friend, David. He told me that our mutual friend, Juan, had been taken hostage by the cartel. His captors took his money, laptop, and projector. Many of us began praying for Juan…


More News From GNPI…


Things to Thank God For in SE Asia – Last week’s feature on

   what ministry is taking place through GNPI-SE Asia.

God’s Sower in Latin America – A tribute to Harland Cary.
Meredith’s Story – 16 year old guest blogger tells of her

   experience on a mission trip to Piedras Negras, Mexico.

Click here to see all the blogs

Freed By Blood


Raziel was freed from his life of darkness and addiction by the blood of Jesus and has gone on to become a Youth Minister—

telling others about the Good News that he found.


A Glimpse into Mexico

By Mike Schrage

Picture, if you can, a shrine on the side of a dusty, Mexican road with a statue of Mary, flowers, a picture of a skull, and money offerings – modern day indulgences to gain supernatural favor. The payee is none other than the leader of the cult Santa Muerte (Holy Death) – also a drug lord…



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