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Questions and Answers

Dr. Sergei Golovin, Regional Director of GNPI-Ukraine
May the Lord be praised! We have produced an app for Android devices. Questions and Answers: The Christian Apologist’s Mobile Companion deals with a wide spectrum of issues like apologetics and evangelism strategy, faith and reason, God’s existence, creation vs. evolution, miracles, evil and suffering, resurrection, divinity of Jesus, Bible veracity, eternal life, salvation, Christianity vs. other religions, civil society, etc…  READ MORE

The Teachings of Jesus Plan


GNPI continues to work on The Global Gospel in the top 25 languages. In addition to the full series, GNPI is working to make selected stories from The Global Gospel available in discipleship plans on the YouVersion Bible app.

Media: Another Way

to Tell Others

Mike Schrage


The demon-possessed man was healed, clothed, and cognizant of the remarkable goodness the carpenter’s Son from Nazareth had just bestowed on him. He was free! He wanted to stay and follow Jesus…



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