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I Want to be a Christian

Our coworker in SE Asia shares an opportunity he had to share Christ with a young Indian man who came to his house. The young man is now a brother in Christ. Read about what he saw in Christians that drew Him to Christ.  READ MORE

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Food for the Soul

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A Wonderful Device


Christian workers around the world share how Solar Kits help them in their ministries. They describe the Solar Kit as a very effective tool, a wonderful device, and a life changing tool for evangelism. GNPI assembles Solar Kits in the U.S. and India. We have plans to add Solar Kit workshops in Thailand and Kenya.

Solar Kits: Tools

of Blessing

Mike Schrage


A Tanzanian evangelist stopped by the GNPI regional center in Nairobi, Kenya, to share his appreciation for his Solar Kit. Though it’s been awhile, I remember what he said like it was yesterday.


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