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Fitting into God’s Plan


Founder Ziden Nutt expresses thankfulness for God’s provision for GNPI in the first 40 years. Ziden recalls special highlights of how the Lord has worked to make the dream of reaching all people with Bible based, Christ centered media a reality.  READ MORE

An Eye Opening Trip

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


A couple of our coworkers made a seven hour trip to survey the Endorois, a Kenyan minority group. Their goal was to learn about the needs, culture, and social interactions of those in the area. Our staff in Kenya created this video about their trip using a Nomad Production Kit.  



A Day of Generosity

Mike Schrage


Giving Tuesday: it’s a national day of generosity as the world recognizes the opening of year-end giving campaigns that sustain many nonprofits, including GNPI. I’m challenging our friends and donors to supply an additional $10,000 for GNPI’s general fund today…



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