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Hello from Hong Kong

Mark Allen, Project Nomad Coordinator


Fourteen attendees participated in our Hong Kong regional training in October. Pastor Wing Wong, the training event sponsor, says, “Media is a good way to present the Gospel, especially to those who have no understanding of Christianity or church background.” Timothy Jai Kumar, team leader of Project Nomad-Chennai, India, helped Mark with the training. He enjoyed being part of an international training and seeing that Project Nomad is bigger than he realized.  READ MORE

Three Good Things


David Duncan of the Co:Mission Foundation lists three priorities for wise financial stewards to consider this fall. Contact David at 417-437-4774 or about these options to honor God and bless others.


Exciting Events

Beyond Ourselves

Mike Schrage


In this video our founder, Ziden Nutt, describes some of the early events where we could see God working in the ministry beyond what we could plan or visualize.



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