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“Las Seven”

Gustavo Velázquez, Regional Director of GNPI-Piedras Negras, Mexico


Our team is excited about our new live radio show, Las 7 con Pepe (The Seven with Pepe). This dynamic and entertaining program is broadcast every Friday at 7 pm for one hour. Pepe Corche, the main announcer, is a student at the local Bible college. Each week the program revolves around the number seven and includes comments made by the audience during the week…  READ MORE

“I am Samuel”

Timothy Jai Kumar, Team Leader, Project Nomad-Chennai, India


This program is the result of accusations the Christians in India face on a daily basis. The words of the lead actor in the freeze motion express what Christians wish to reply to their accusers. Most of the time we just walk away quietly, so we won’t create any friction. This project is very close to our hearts, because each of the included incidents are based on true events.


Digital Delivery

Mike Schrage


Remember the days when going out to the mailbox was exciting? Now, for many, only junk mail and the occasional Amazon order arrives in the mailbox. This change indicates the news, entertainment, bills, and more are delivered digitally which has changed the way we communicate…



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