Sharing Jesus

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


Our office is a place of ministry, healing, and resources. We thank God for the opportunities we have at this time. I’d like to offer encouragement to the whole body of Christ. We need to wake up and realize we don’t have the luxury of time. God has empowered GNPI with the tools, resources, and people to bring the Kingdom of God to those who need hope.  READ MORE

More News From GNPI…


• “Las Seven”
• Overcoming Adversity

• Click here to see all the blogs

The Magic Box

Tom Ommemo of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


Tom Ommemo helps assemble and distribute Solar Kits in Africa. He explains how these small boxes equip pastors with technology, so it is easy to present the Word of God in a different way. The Solar Kit is a very important tool for us.


Pressing On

Mike Schrage


We have produced 27 language versions of

The Global Gospel and 11 more are almost finished! Why do we invest so much time and effort in this project? Why don’t we go on to something new?


Here are ten reasons…



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