Reaching Out

Tom Ommemo of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


A small group of our office staff is reaching out to the nomadic Endorois community in northwestern Kenya. We were able to get permission from their chief to speak to the people, and we took them some food because they have been dealing with a severe famine. We also shared some of our preaching materials and African dramas… READ MORE

You Have Worth

Gayle Silkwood, Interim Director of GNPI-Chiang Mai, Thailand


This is the powerful testimony of Noi, an impoverished orphan who tried to commit suicide several times. She found love and fulfillment in Christ and learned to read, so she could read God’s Word. Noi later married and started a successful business. This is one of our newest Thai programs in the Changed series.


Pressing Pause

Mike Schrage


We’ve all heard the phrase “stop the presses!” In the print era, this meant something significant was missing in the next edition, and workers needed to stop, process, and potentially add to or rewrite portions. In the digital era, I wonder what is the equivalent? Hold the phone? Hit pause? 


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