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The Change That Is Needed

by Greg Fish, creative media designer

Chile was my home growing up. My parents were missionaries there for 18 years. For me, it had been 14 years since I last set foot on Chilean soil. However, I recently went back to connect a GNPI supporting church in Plainfield, Indiana, to Habacuc Diaz and the NOMaD team in the booming capital of Santiago…  READ MORE

GNPI-Mexico’s Growing Outreach


By Abi Flores of GNPI-Mexico
Recently Gustavo Velázquez, regional director of GNPI-Mexico, was invited to a youth convention in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. More than 230 young people attended this event. Gustavo had the opportunity to share about the ministry and the scope of the outreach through mass media. At the same time he encouraged the young people to serve the Lord through ministry and in their churches…


By Mike Schrage


Context is a key component in understanding the most effective way to share the Gospel. Never has this been more true than when considering how to use technology in evangelism. Columnist Tom Goodwin recently observed: “Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content…



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